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Mon Oct 30th, 2023 @ 8:35am

Lieutenant Commander Vorix t'Rennikh

Name Vorix t'Rennikh

Position Chief Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species 3/4 Romulan 1/4 El Aurian
Age 42

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 6"
Weight 185
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Vorix is remarkably unremarkable for a Romulan. Moderate build and height coupled with generic features means he blends into the crowd with ease.


Spouse None
Children None
Father SubCommander Duval (Deceased - Hobus)
Mother Commander Eviess t'Rennikh (Deceased - Frontier Day)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family All extended family deceased

Personality & Traits

General Overview Vorix is a Romulan, through and through. Given his heritage, his knack for guile and improvisation is more than understandable. Uncharacteristically , so far as the usual Federation member species are concerned, Vorix is extremely loyal to his comrades. His friendship is hard-won, and once earned brings with it the full might and vengeance his kind is capable of. Given he is still young even by the base standards of the vulcanoid phenotype, it is unclear how much his diluted El Aurian heritage expresses.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Patience and cunning. Vorix is not one to rush in half-cocked, preferring to have a plan with as many redundancies and/or failsafes as practical.

Weaknesses: Vorix is most uncomfortable without a clearly defined routine or schedule. Service on a Starbase was his ideal posting; the chaotic nature of random starship encounters leaves him unsettled at best.
Hobbies & Interests Vorix enjoys collecting and assembling model starships.

Personal History His mother is Eviess t'Rennikh, a Romulan El Aurian hybrid serving in Starfleet. She enlisted in StarFleet, and later was recruited by and given an offer for commission from SF Intelligence; she would later serve as the USS Hyperion-E's Intel chief for some years. Not long after graduating from the Academy and arriving at her first post of SB 88, she had a fling with a mid-level functionary within the local Romulan Ambassadors office. Vorix was documented and quietly hushed up, even as far as to be omitted from entry into Eviess' official personnel record. Vorix returned to Romulus after his father earned a promotion within the Romulan Diplomatic corp (which probably means he was a spook himself.)

Vorix joined the Romulan Navy in 2378 as an engineer; little is known of his service record. His warbird was elsewhere when Hobus went up; his father was there, however, as well as the remainder of his Romulan family. None survived.

Post Hobus, Vorix left the shattered remnants of his fathers people. In the absence of a functioning Senate and Praetor, there were too many factions squabbling for control. He made contact with his mother, who secured the unsealing of his Federation Birth Certificate. Due to the dubious nature of his dual citizenship, Vorix still had to go through the refugee naturalization process in order to bring him up to speed on Federation laws and customs.

Following his official naturalization, Vorix applied for Starfleet Academy. Once again, Patronage and Nepotism were lurking in the background. While outwardly declining to directly vouch for her son, Commander t'Rennikh was able to secure a suitable patron to sponsor Vorix to the Academy. He isn't aware of who greased the wheels, nor cares beyond the fact that it happened.

His time at SF-A was relatively unremarkable: not a wunderkind and though his time as a Romulan naval engineer aided him in his theoretical studies, during practical applications he was roughly on par with other cadets of no experience. Federation technology was just that different. He graduated near the lower half of his class, and received assignment to the engineering department of the USS Pugeot, a Nebula class starship conducting humanitarian aid efforts in what was once the Romulan Empire.

Vorix's personal familiarity with Romulan technology aided him in the coming years, as he was able to teach his fellow engineers about Romulan engineering methods while helping stricken colonies on the edges of claimed territories. Upon receiving promotion to Lieutenant, Vorix received orders to a new posting: Starbase 12.

Starbase 12 was relatively boring, yet deeply educational. Here is where he began to learn the ins and outs of department management. Unlike a starship, a Starbase was a static and largely uneventful posting. Unlike other officers who chose to ease the tedium and ennui with more hedonistic pursuits, Vorix engaged with his seniors to learn. He was placed as an Assistant's Mate within a year, and two years after that, in 2401, he was officially designated as one of three Assistant Engineers, despite still being 'only' a lieutenant. His vindication rode in on 8 January 2402 with his promotion to Lieutenant Commander.

During the tragedy of Frontier Day, Vorix was still on Starbase 12. His mother was onboard Earth Spacedock when it fell to the combined Fleet and died when the shields fell. Rumors abounded over the new changeling threat, though no one he knew had been impersonated. Some months after his promotion, he received orders to report to the USS Haida. Given the decimation of the senior officers of the fleet at the hands of the Borg, major personnel rotations were being enacted to spread the surviving experienced officers around.; many of his contemporaries had already departed for other assignments. (edited)
Service Record LtCdr: 2402 - PRES - USS Haida - Chief Engineer
Lt: 2401 - Starbase 12 - Assistant Chief Engineer
LT: 2398 - Starbase 12 - Engineer
Lt JG: 2394 - USS Pugeot - Engineer
ENS: 2392 - USS Pugeot - Engineer

Starfleet Academy: 2388-2392 - Engineering Division

2387: Hobus destroys Romulan Homeworld. Departs from remains of the Romulan Navy for Federation space.
Natural-born Federation citizenship confirmed; entered Romulan Refugee Naturalization Program

2378: Joined Romulan Navy, engineering department.
Born: 2360, Starbase 88