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Leanding a Hand (Backpost)

Posted on Thu Sep 28th, 2023 @ 8:52am by Commander Agatha Oyihnmoda MD & Lieutenant Lily Carter

500 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Kriresian Gambit
Location: USS Haida - Recovery Ward
Timeline: Shortly After Loss of Power

Nurse Chappelle lead the way into one of the large recovery wards, well beyond capacity cots had been set up between the biobeds with the less seriously injured crew who couldn't be released yet.

"How are things looking Doc?" Chappelle asked the Medical Officer in charge.

"Good and stable for now, but anyone you can get discharged would be appreciated."

Chappelle nodded and gestured for Lily to follow her, "The PADD will pull up each patient as we get to them, I'll let you know anything we need to add to the chart. Most of them are recently out of surgery, but a lot of them we will be flagging for release. Any questions?"

Lily looked to the officer named Chappelle and she smiled politely, "I have no objections or questions as of now. I believe that I can help you with this." She began to follow her around to each of the patients. The first one, she wasn't quite sure of but she glanced to Chappelle and the PADD.

Chappelle moved over to an engineer, "How we feeling Marty?" She asked checking the readings.

"Not bad, ready to get back to work." The engineer replied.

"Well that's my call not yours, break more than two ribs my call, less than two your call. Don't break six ribs next time." The nurse replied eliciting a slight laugh from Marty.

Lily gave a slight smile, "Is he ready for duty or should I put on this padd that he still needs more time to completely heal the ribs?"

Chappelle checked a few readings before getting Marty to get to his feet and follow her through some movements. "Good to go," Chappelle said with a nod to Lily, flag him for discharge and then it should prompt you through the rest.

Lily gave a nod as she marked the required flags of discharge. Then she marked the requirements that it prompted at her and she smiled as she sat it back where it was. "He's all clear for duty."

"Yup," Chappelle replied, a moment later she finished with Marty and moved towards the next bio bed.

"So Lieutenant, have you been on the Haida long?" She asked beginning to check the next patient.

Carter was about to shake her head, but she proceeded to speak instead, "No, I haven't been on the Haida that long. I just joined here recently."

She nodded, "I've only been here a few months, good ship." Chappelle replied with a smile. "Maddie how are you feeling?" She asked the next patient.

Lily smiled politely in return as she followed Chappelle to the patient. She felt like a change was coming, but said nothing as she helped Chappelle.

The pair made their way down the ward in a little more than an hour and had finished the round. "Thanks again for helping with this. It made it go much faster." Chappelle said. The majority had been cleared to be returned, a few would need another day or two.


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