Lieutenant Marie LaFramboise
Name Marie LaFramboise
Position Chief Science Officer
Rank Lieutenant
Character Information
Gender | Female | |
Species | Human | |
Age | 32 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5'5" | |
Weight | 126lbs | |
Hair Color | Blonde | |
Eye Color | Green | |
Physical Description | Marie has long blonde hair and dazzling green eyes. She enjoys wearing skirts and a slightly shorter tunic to show off her light figure. She keeps her hair flowing down mostly, but sometimes when working will tie it up in a ponytail or in a bun. |
Father | Val-Jean LaFramboise | |
Mother | Juliette LaFramboise |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Marie is a gentle and caring soul. She is passionate about food being from France. She also speaks in a French accent and her words flow with love and smoothness. She is very smart and enjoys being around others, she is known to be a hard worker but will go the extra mile for her friends and family. | |
Strengths & Weaknesses | Strengths Include: + Scienctifically Minded + Cooking + Leading others + Good at planning and schemes Weaknesses Include - Easily Manipulated - Easy to love, sometimes to her disadvantage - Sometimes hard to understand with her accent |
Ambitions | Marie's ambitions are to one day discover something huge in the science field. She is naturally curious about the universe and wants to see whats out there, her whole motive for joining Starfleet was to discover something no one else has. She would love something to be named after her bringing her some sort of satisfaction to her name and family. | |
Hobbies & Interests | Hobbies and Interests Include - French Cuisine & Cooking - Sweet pastries and treats - Fashion - Scientific discoveries |
Personal History | Born in Bordeaux in the West of France not far from the Spanish border Marie had a good upbringing. She has been drinking wine and eating fine food for as long as she can remember. The area was well known for its tasy fruity wines and art, resulting in a well cultured upbringing for Marie. From an early age she loved to find out how things worked and how the world came to be. She especially showed interests in science from an early age and would often do 'experiments' in her bedroom. When she became of age, she applied for Starfleet Academy and was accepted into the science course. After four years in the Academy, Marie graduated as a Junior Science Officer and was assigned to the USS Bourneville. She was finally glad to be off of Earth and looking for new things to discover and find. However she missed home and took up cooking as a hobby to remind her of where she came from. After three years on the Bourneville she was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade and given the position of a general science officer. After serving for five years on the Bourneville, Lieutenant LaFramboise was transferred when the ship was recalled for decommisioning to the USS Aries. She served as a science officer on the Aries for a further three years, enjoying the larger ship. Eventually the position of Assistant Chief Science Officer opened on another ship, the much larger Galaxy Class, USS Europa. Jumping at a chance to serve on a Galaxy Class Starship, she put in for the position. She was shocked to find she had been accepted aboard the Europa and transferred over with a promotion of that to Full Lieutenant to fit in better with the overall command structure of the vessel. She was excited and on arrival she was also told that since the ship had no Chief Science Officer at the time she would be acting Chief for a while until a Chief could be found. She served on board the USS Europa for the next two years. However after the incident of Frontier Day, the Europa was badly damaged and thus was due to be decommissioned. Marie was then put in for transfer and found that she had been accepted as the new Chief Science Officer aboard the USS Haida. |
Service Record |