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Mon May 22nd, 2023 @ 10:37am

Commander Deron Brack

Name Deron Brack

Position Executive Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species 3/4 Human 1/4 Vulcan
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1
Weight 160
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Deron stands at 5 foot 11, with some what of a swimmers build and has been described as handsome. His hair is usually somewhat long and brushed back. He is well spoken, from a combination of the way his sister brought him up and years served at Starfleet Academy.

He carries himself confidently despite being quite small in his wiry but physically, fit frame. On and off duty, Deron takes pride in his outward appearance, ensuring that he never looks unkempt.

More recently, since turning 30, Deron maintain's a short beard, feeling that it makes him look more dignified and wise.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Deron is friendly, kind and caring, all the traits that a Nurse should posses, but these traits were present prior to commencing his training, but he does find it difficult to allow himself to care outside of a professional basis, as a result of significant trauma from losing his parents when he was 3 years old. Although this has improved since Deron started seeing a Therapist, he now recognises that he fears loss and the pain that came with losing his parents, he continues to make strides in this area.

Even beyond the fact his sister raised him, he has heavy influences from his sister who is also a Nurse, Deron fiercely believes in the value that Nurses and defends it from those who would undermine the value of Nursing.

Deron is bright and intelligent, having absorbed all the information he could regarding his practice and as a Starfleet Officer, which has been evidenced by his advancement in rank thus far and his completion of training as an Advanced Nurse Practitioner.

With the few Deron calls friends, he is playful and mischievous, always seeking to have fun and can often be found in the holodeck or other area for recreation.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Loyal
+Natural Leader
+Good beside manner
-Sensitive about Nursing
-Struggles with loss
Ambitions Deron hopes to one day have his own Command. In semi-retirement, he hopes to teach Nursing
Hobbies & Interests Deron has a particular interest in history and often can be found on his off duty in the holodeck exploring history. He also has a particular interest in experiencing holo-novels.

Personal History Deron is born to Adrana and Ayden Brack in 2367. He already had an older sister, Cassana who was 11 years old. His Mother and Father were Starfleet Officers, serving on Starbase 12.

In 2373, after 3 years of Cold War, Deron aged 6 and Cassana aged 17, the Dominion War is officially declared and his parents were reassigned to Starship based assignments. Deron and Cassana returned to Earth to live with their grandparents.

In 2374, Deron and Cassana's parents died. Deron was 7 and Cassana was 18 about to enter Starfleet Academy. Deron becomes very close with his sister during this time and is effectively raised by his sister.

In 2378, age 11, his sister graduates Starfleet Academy as a Nurse. Cassana declines space-borne assignment, opting to be based at Starfleet Medical to be able to be close to Deron. As much as he could age 11, he was proud of his sister but had been terrified at what would happen upon her graduation.

After completing compulsory schooling, Deron opts to join Starfleet Academy in 2385 at the age of 18. Whilst wanting to follow in his sisters footsteps to become a Nurse, he undertook additional training in Security and Starship weapon systems.
- Graduates SFA 2379 Age 22
Deron graduates Starfleet Academy 2379, age 22, as a Nurse but also the additional qualifications in Starship weapon systems and security training. Deron opts for a space assignment and is assigned to the USS McCoy, an Olympic Class as a Staff Nurse.

In 2382, Deron is promoted to Senior Nurse for the medical wing he is assigned to, supporting more junior nurses and taking on more responsibility.

In 2384, Deron undertakes more advanced training and becomes an Advanced Nurse Practitioner, now able to administer far more medication, able to handle more complex medical cases independently without a Doctor.

The training not only included advanced medical knowledge, skills and techniques, it also included leadership, as he was now expected to work independently and to diagnose and treat patients as a Doctor would, but also lead and instruct Nurses.

In 2386, Deron requests to take the Bridge Officers course, but he fails the first time. He had not been able to make a decision that would've killed one of his Officer's, instead leading to the imagined destruction of the ship. He again takes it in 2387 and passes.

Throughout 2387 to 2390, Deron takes command of the bridge during the nightshift on a significant number of occasions, contiuing to gain significant command experience.

In 2391, as part of a detachment sent in by the McCoy, Deron is assigned to lead the Detachment on a non Federation Colony due to a virus outbreak. He led the team with the Clinical Lead to eradicate the virus,.

After returning to the McCoy, years later in 2395 Deron is offered the opportunity to study for his medical degree. He declines, making his intention known that he wanted to follow the Command Track.

Later in 2395, Deron is offered the position of Gamma Shift Officer of the Watch on the McCoy, whilst also serving as a relief Nurse on occasion, gaining invaluable experience.

In 2397, the McCoy Commanding Officer recommends Deron be offered a Executive Officer position, citing that Deron clearly had the ability to be able to manage a more complex assignment.

- Takes Command of the Bridge during the night shift throughout 2387, 2388, 2389, 2390 on a number of occasions.
- Assigned to Non Federation Planetary Colony during Medical Crisis as the Starfleet Detachment Lead in 2391
- Returns to USS McCoy 6 months later
- Continues to serve on McCoy, declines educational opportunity to become a Medical Doctor in 2395, making it known he now wants to follow a Command Track.
- Later in 2395, Deron is offered the position of Gamma Shift Officer of the Watch on the McCoy, whilst also serving as a relief Nurse on Occasion.
-2398, the McCoy Commanding Officer recommends Deron be offered a Executive Officer position. Later in 2398, Deron is transferred to the USS Tesla, Centaur Class.
- Serves as XO on Tesla between 2398-2401. Secondary and Third Contact missions
- Frontier Day 2401
- XO, USS Haida 2402
Service Record Coming soon