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Mon Oct 30th, 2023 @ 8:35am

Lieutenant Commander Tenner

Name Tenner

Position Chief Security Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Bynar
Age 39

Physical Appearance

Height 1.5m (4'11")
Weight 68kg (150lbs)
Hair Color N/A
Eye Color Indigo
Physical Description Like all Bynars, most of Tenner's natural features are defined by the violet portion of the spectrum. From his indigo eyes to his lilac complexion, Tenner is colorfully monochromatic. But his visage is distinctly marred by additional cybernetic implants beyond the Bynar standard devices. Additional microprocessors jut out from his head which aid his nervous system in solitary processes for lack of a paired partner to share them. Most distinctive is the metallic grill that Tenner has in place of a mouth. As a survivor of the violent Breen attack that claimed the life of his partner Zero-One, Tenner has foregone reconstruction surgery in favor of the utilitarian form and function of the implant. The external grill gives his technologically-assisted voice a canned vibrato.


Other Family Paired Partner: Zero-One (deceased)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Tenner has become a one-man arsenal who uses his diminutive size to his advantage. Having made a name for himself as a stickler for protocol and a brutal soldier in conflict, Tenner carries an aura that more than compensates for his size.

Not unfriendly but neither chatty, Tenner is a focused individual who always gets to the point, otherwise keeping his thoughts to himself. His inner world is one of discipline and wonder, where his sense of order clamps down on the innate curiosity that ultimately led to his partner's demise.

Tenner has studied the martial arts of most major species, having compiled them in a hybrid mixed martial art of his own making. The artform of combat is one of the few indulgences he allows himself. He maintains a holography collection in addition to his trophy case of weapons taken from the bodies of foes he has slain in the line of duty.

While Tenner maintains the superior technical expertise inherent to his species, he does not access computer systems outside of their standard designated use. In dire circumstances, Tenner could connect a microprocessor implant directly to a computer, but without the benefit of a paired partner to aid in runtimes, it's an unpleasant experience.

Due to the extensive trauma which prompted his change of career track, as well as the numerous combat missions for which he has volunteered, Tenner requires a semi-annual psychological evaluation in order to maintain active duty status. The most recent evaluator determined Tenner no longer suffers from Borderline Personality Disorder for which he has had a record of relapse.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Brilliant
+Skilled armed/unarmed combatant

- Aloof
- Ruthless
- Inflexible
Ambitions Die happy.
Hobbies & Interests Tenner takes pleasure in katas and other combat forms. Sometimes he performs them to musical arrangements. He is also a holographer with a collection of images numbering in the thousands.

Though forcibly suppressing his curious personality, Tenner has been known to let it out when goaded into a game of friendly competition.

Personal History Born as 10-01000111-01100101-01101110-00100000 00110101-00110000-00110000-00100000-01010011-01110100-01110010-01101001-01101110-01100111-00100000-00110001-00110000 on the planet Bynaus in the Beta-Magellan system, One-Zero was among the Tenth String of the Five-Hundredth Generation of his linear pedigree. Little to nothing stood out from his early life. Paired with Zero-One at infancy, the two were soulmates who were bound together by social and cybernetic constructs.

Entering Starfleet as paired computer technicians, One-Zero and Zero-One were inseparable... until, one day, their service vessel ran afoul of Breen raiders. While officially denounced by the Breen Confederacy, the slaving operation was far too formalized to be a rogue organization. Even so, when the Starfleet rescue team located and retrieved them, One-Zero was grievously injured. While he would eventually recover, he was devastated to learn that his partner, Zero-One, did not survive.

The loss was devastating for One-Zero. Emotional trauma notwithstanding, the physiological effects were akin to a stroke. One-Zero went through nearly a year of physical and occupational therapy in order to retrain himself on how to be an individual being rather than a paired being. The implantation of new cybernetic components required only a marginal adjustment.

Unlike most Bynars who returned to Bynaus in order to be re-paired with a new partner, One-Zero opted to remain solitary. Replacing Zero-One felt like betrayal, something One-Zero would not do no matter the cost.

But the cost was significant. The Bynaus Master Network cannot process free radicals within its binary system, and so One-Zero was purged from the collective runtimes, effectively exiled by his own hand.

When processing a new identity, a necessary step in his return to Starfleet service, an oversight from a bureaucrat from the Federation State Department inadvertently rendered 10 as Ten rather than One-Zero. Rather than correct the mistake, One-Zero abandoned his binary orientation and allowed himself to be known as Ten. Ten became Tenner in short order, further solidifying the Bynar in his new life.

Rather than return to his former duties as a technician, Tenner had increased his physical therapy into combat training and easily tested into the Security track. The dedication and aptitude that he had brought into Engineering served him even better as a Security officer due to the sharp, disciplined focus that would keep him from veering off track.

After a distinguished career as a rank and file security officer with tactical crosstraining, Tenner found his calling in Combat Search and Rescue. He was quickly headhunted as a unit commander and went on to conduct dozens of combat missions.

One day Tenner will be reunited with Zero-One in digital congress of memory files, should his remains be shipped back to Bynaus for summary upload of his neural data and postmortem reinstatement into the Tenth String of his linear pedigree. Until that day, however, Tenner has people to serve and protect.


The events of Frontier Day and the surprise Borg attack brought out the best and worst in Tenner. Since no data or intelligence was at hand, when the assimilated junior officers overtook the ship and killed the commanding officers, Tenner rallied the remaining crew members and took the ship back, killing the assimilated crew to the last drone.

This prompted an immediate psychological evaluation after the Borg defeat in order to ensure that Tenner had not suffered a mental breakdown. Part of the therapy regimen was to send KIA letters to the next-of-kin for each assimilated crew member. This was done in order for Tenner to demonstrate the remorse that he otherwise did not express.
Service Record LCDR - 2402-Present USS Haida - Chief Security Officer

LCDR - 2396-2402 Starfleet Security Special Operations - CSAR Unit Commander

LT - 2394-2396 USS Seneca - Assistant Chief of Security, Chief of Tactical

LT - 2391-2394 USS Seneca -Security Officer

LTJG - 2390-2391 Medical Leave and Rehabilitation

LTJG - 2387-2390 USS Galen - Computer Systems Technician

ENS - 2385-2387 USS Galen - Computer Systems Technician